InTrust. The Tennessee Risk Management Trust Newsletter.


TNRMT Safety Grant | CO Alarms Mandatory

Cyber Liability Underwriting


TNRMT Safety Grant 2021, Reminder

by Chris Stites, Safety Engineering & Claims ManagementWe invite all members, large and small, to participate in the Safety Grant Program. The better the idea the greater the chance of award. Lives are affected every day from inattention to the “little things”. Let us help you pay for those items to make work a little safer.It’s easy: complete a Safety Grant Application, have a named Safety Coordinator, and be a member of the Tennessee Risk Management Trust.What is the decision-making criteria to receive a grant or scholarship for your entity?

  1. Grant requests must have a direct impact on employee safety or reduction of liability exposures.
  2. Sustainable – Must further a risk management objective.
  3. Limited Time Use items are exempt from grant funds ie… safety glasses, ear plugs, cooling bands, dust masks.
  4. Cameras and/or access systems are also exempt from grant funds.

The grant application will be available until January 1, 2022, at [] StitesSafety Engineering & Claims

Carbon Monoxide Detector/Alarm Required for Fuel Fired Boilers Greater Than or Equal to 100,000 BTU/HR

by Chris Stites, Safety Engineering & Claims ManagementThe winter season is here, and our schools, places of business, and homes are susceptible to the effects of carbon monoxide (CO). CO is a colorless, odorless gas. Carbon monoxide is formed by the incomplete combustion of fuels. Boilers are fuel-fired thus presenting the opportunity for the accumulation of CO.Every year, at least 430 people die in the U.S. from accidental CO poisoning. Approximately 50,000 people in the U.S. visit the emergency department each year due to accidental CO poisoning. When we breathe air containing carbon monoxide, it is absorbed through the bloodstream. CO displaces oxygen, and it inhibits the blood's ability to carry oxygen to vital organs including the brain.CO is a poisonous gas that can kill you. You cannot see it, taste it, or smell it. CO is called the "silent killer" because it creeps up on you and takes your life without warning. Symptoms of CO poisoning may include headache, dizziness, vomiting, weakness, confusion, nausea, and difficulty breathing. Severe carbon monoxide poisoning may cause loss of consciousness, long-term adverse neurological symptoms, and possibly even death.Participation in the TNRMT property/casualty program provides no-cost inspection of your boilers biennially, pursuant to TN statute. We have noticed a trend in these findings regarding the lack of CO detector/ alarms in required locations.Effective June 2020 the state of TN required CO detectors in boiler rooms that contain fuel-fired boilers greater than or equal to 100,000 BTU/HR. In the current edition of the National Board Inspection Code, there has been an addition to Part 1, Section 1.6.9 (Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detector/Alarm) that requires the installation of CO detectors - “The owner or user shall install a carbon monoxide (CO) detector/alarm in equipment rooms where fuel-fired boilers and/or fuel-fired pressure vessels are located in accordance with the authority having Jurisdiction.”Carbon monoxide drills should be practiced just like fire drills.Quick link for Carbon Monoxide rule and interpretation regarding alarms/ detectors: consider CO a potential cause and danger when near fuel-fired (diesel, gas, propane, natural gas) equipment.

  • When in or near confined/enclosed areas
  • If carbon monoxide poisoning is suspected, be sure to move to a safe location to ensure safety.

Remember that CO alarms save lives… but only if they work. CO alarms should be tested at least once a month. CO alarm batteries should be replaced by following the manufacturer’s instructions, at a minimum once a year.Do not ignore a CO alarm. If your CO alarm sounds, immediately alert others to the danger and make sure everyone gets to fresh air quickly.Any area operating fuel-fired appliances or vehicles must have carbon monoxide placarding visible. Any entity with fuel-fired appliances and accordingly CO potential is strongly encouraged to install a detector/alarm.Stay calm! Evacuate the location to a safe meeting place outside and have someone call the fire department. Failure to evacuate immediately may result in prolonged exposure and worsening effects from possible CO gas. The best initial treatment for exposure is fresh air.Chris StitesSafety Engineering & Claims

Cyber Liability Underwriters to Become More Stringent

by Kyle Greenup, NGU Risk ManagementDuring TNRMT’s last renewal cycle, Members felt more strict guidelines from Cyber Liability Underwriters as cyber security concerns rippled through the global insurance industry. A Cyber Security ScoreCard, provided by our partners at Great American Insurance Group (GAIG), was introduced as a method to assess the cyber security posture of TNRMT’s individual Members. While most Members did very well with this new ScoreCard based assessment, we saw many Members that scored very low. Low scoring Members were initially ineligible for continued Cyber Liability Coverage. Fortunately, Members starting with a low score worked diligently to improve their score. Upon renewal, TNRMT was able to offer Cyber Liability Coverage to 100% of Members. Bullet dodged! Well… for now anyway.The insurance industry is putting pressure on organizations to reduce their own cyber risk. After all, insurers can’t access the organization's network, so any mitigation effort is the organization’s responsibility. Below are four areas of interest that we recommend reviewing to ensure a smooth cyber renewal next year:1 - Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)Insurers are asking about MFA on their renewal applications, and we now know for a fact that MFA will be a cyber requirement going forward. MFA certainly makes for a more secure network, and most implementations are fairly easy and may already be included in services you use for no additional cost.2 - Cloud BackupOne of the main benefits of cloud-based backups is the concept of ‘Air-Gap’. This simply means that at any given time, your data is backed up, off-site, offline, and not accessible from the internet without credentials (hopefully, MFA secured credentials). We’re very certain that an air-gap backup system will be required for continued cyber coverage.3 - Mobile Device Management (MDM)We’re more mobile now than ever, with many in the workforce working from home and other locations. Mobile devices are all but essential, and many employees use company-owned or personal devices to access email, documents, etc. Securing mobile devices via MDM policy is a great way to make sure that devices follow basic security measures, like enforcing a lock screen coupled with a passcode. Some MDM platforms can help locate lost devices and even remotely lock and wipe a device.4 - End-User TrainingIt’s no surprise to me that the FBI lists end-user training as a high priority for organizations protecting sensitive data. TNRMT offers End-User Cyber Security Awareness training to all Members at no additional cost, and we encourage you to take advantage of this training! Another hot area for insurers, we feel end-user training will be a requirement for cyber coverage in the near future.Kyle GreenupNGU Risk Management615.822.5454kgreenup@ngutn.comPS… Don’t forget about your ScoreCard! Using your provided ScoreCard from the last renewal cycle, you can create an account at to monitor changes to your score and remedy any issues along the way.


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